Photography workshops at SoulShine's Wild Woman Week

Tomorrow we should have been gathering in person for the 8th Wild Woman Photoshoot. I’ve been collaborating with the fantastic social enterprise SoulShine to co-create these incredible days since 2017 - days of celebrating women in all their authentic, wild and beautiful glory. So much more than a photoshoot, the days involve sharing, connection, meditation, music, dance, all in stunning natural surroundings (you can see some photos from the days on my collaborations page).

We were feeling sad not to be able to run the photoshoot this May - but then an idea started to form amongst us… why not make it into a Wild Woman Week? With activities running online that capture and weave together the many and varied elements of the days, including guided meditations, sharing circles, dance, storytelling, talks and discussions… and it seemed such a good idea, we decided to make it happen! Every day from 31st May to 8th June there will be activities you can access online - either live events or pre-recorded videos that you can dip into at a time that suits you.

I’ll be sharing some taster sessions of my new ‘Magic in the Mundane’ workshops (more about that coming soon - watch this space!), giving the opportunity to use photography to reconnect with your everyday surroundings, and find interest and beauty in things that perhaps you would normally overlook.

You can see all the info on the SoulShine website - the pre-recorded videos will be released day-by-day.

Hope to see you online at some of the events! In the meantime, here are some photos from the gardens at the Wild Woman Photoshoots, I hope you find them as soothing as I do…
